Although officially classified as a high dunk, the Nike High (6.0 Swan in Metallic Gold) is not such a tall shoe. Indeed, in a less stringent classification system, Nike High 6.0 Swan could quite as easily pass for a mid dunk. It is not that this shoe is particularly small, really, but rather that it lacks the 'illusion of height' that characterizes most other 'high' dunks. As such, it makes a good shoe for the person who wants the comfort that a high dunk offers, without having to contend with the attention a spectacularly high dunk is likely to attract as the wearer moves around.

Colorwise, Nike Dunk High (6.0 Swan in Metallic Gold) can neither be described as too 'loud' a shoe, nor too 'quiet' a shoe. It is really a shoe that falls somewhere between the two extremes. The very bottom part of the shoe's sole, the part that is in touch with the ground is colored light blue; with the upper part of the sole, the part that is connects the sole to the shoe's body being colored white. On the shoe's upper body, at least four colors can be identified. First is white, on the patch towards the middle of the shoe, where the Nike tick originates. White is also to be found on two other patches, first on top of the patch where the toes go in inside the shoe, and again towards the back end of the shoe.
Then there is gold, metallic gold to be sure, which while being the color the issue is identified with, is in fact not the most dominant color on it. Indeed, this color only shows on the Nike Tick on this shoe - which as in all modern Nike, goes all the way to the back of the shoe, and emerges at the opposite side of it. A lighter shade of brown, intermingled with shades of yellow, can be seen on the patch towards the back of the shoe, with yellow being the color on a patch towards the top of the shoe, where the foot first goes in. Finally, there is pink, which is the color Nike has chosen for the original shoelaces on Nike Metallic Gold.
For securing the shoe in place, Nike provides wearers of the Nike High (6.0 Swan in Metallic Gold) with a shoe lace mechanism. As in most high dunks, this is quite long -at 18 holes (in 9 pairs), though the wearer does of course have the option of leaving some of these unlaced.

The mainly Anthracite sneaker almost falls in line with the all grey everything trend thats going on right now but that Orion Blue really does snap when set against it and the subtle black accents. These are color blocked very well and the white midsole does a great job of neutralizing things. These are available now at select retailers.