WOW! Something about receiving the wisdom of so many global leaders in their own niche, over just a couple of days just fills you up! I must admit I have an obsessive compulsive side, so here is what happened in a nutshell, and I promise there will be several more articles coming as I process this information and capture the depth of its meaning, layer by layer.
Going into the Summit, I was a little anxious about work, and a lot anxious about a project I have been working on in the background for the past couple of months. The project in the background had nothing to do with ministry, had a lot of potential, and would require me to step into the unknown at great risk. Risk of failure, risk of reputation, risk of embarrassment, risk of financial loss, and so on. You see to accomplish it, I had to learn things I had never even thought about before, use those new skills, and create an electronic platform that worked flawlessly in my "spare" time.

Introducing Summit Openshot Deluxe Climbing