So called real Air Jordan shoes are all made in predominantly Asian countries and the so called fakes or replica authentic reproductions are so close to the genuine or so called real thing it is in most cases impossible to tell which is which. What makes it real or fake? Are they real because so called genuine Air Jordan shoes are sold for quadruple the price or are they ripoffs because they are cheaper even though they are made in the same factory, using the same materials, by the same factory workers as the real or genuine Air Jordan shoes? Is it a scam because the so called replica shoes are sold for on quarter the price, or is the ripoff when you pay quadruple the price for a pair of shoes that are virtually the same? Just because they go in different boxes out of the factory is - that enough to make them real or fake?

The Air Jordan 11 is by far one of the most popular sneakers in footwear culture, as well as one of the most desirable sneakers in Michael Jordan's signature line. Originally introduced in 1995, the sneakers are the creation of Tinker Hatfield who took the position as lead designer for MJ's signature sneakers back in 1988 when he first designed the Air Jordan 3. Jordan's performance in the shoes was nothing less than amazing. Aside from leading the Chicago Bulls to their 4th NBA Championship, he also become the second athlete in history to win the Most Valuable Player award for the regular season, All-Star Game and NBA Finals.
New Air Jordan XII Retro Realased